2nd solo of the flag project (triptych 2012/2014)
This solo is the second act of the triptych. It questions the same ideas fond to the choreographer: the construction of an identity through a territory. In this creation, Tony Thich dives into the genesis of its practice. He shares his doubts and his convictions, his runups and his intimate reserves. He evolves in a scenographic space of multiple dimensions. This scenography, which reminds us the urban materials (plexiglas and metal), offers not only a ground of expression to the vertiginous movements of the interpreter, but it also reveals the stakes which he crosses. He envies his initial partition and does it again, taken by the music of Vivaldi, a version quite in delicacy and in energy of the presto passage of the Summer of The Four Seasons by Il Giardino Armonico. The various resumptions, remind us the demands of this practice that allies a mental preparation to the major work of repetition. This solo partition, such as he experiences it, is an evocation of the myth of Icare. He challenges the gravity, nevertheless, each of his breakaways returns him to the ground and to this weight that attaches him to the earth. All his ripped gestures, his suspended questions, call no answer and they simply strengthen the intensity of the shared moment. He expresses much more that he means.
This piece is part of a triptych of 3 solis. To learn more about the project, see the page:
Conception et chorégraphie : Yann Lheureux
Interprète Art du déplacement : Tony Thich
Coach Yamakasi : Williams Belle
Création sonore : Yann Lheureux
Scénographie : Emmanuelle Debeusscher
Production and support
Flag : Triptyque masculin (2013-14)
Flagrant délit / Flagrant délire / Flat grand délit
Co-productions : Festival Montpellier Danse 2014, Montpellier / Le Merlan, Scène Nationale – Marseille / Parc de la Villette (WIP Villette), Paris / CND (Centre National de la Danse), Pantin / Lieux Publics, CNAREP, Marseille et HanPAC Festival 2012, Séoul (Corée du Sud)
Soutiens et accueils en résidence : Réseau Déambulation Chorège / Relais culturel Régional du Pays de Falaise / CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Cie Käfig (Accueil Studio), Le Théâtre – Scène Nationale de Narbonne et Arts Fabrik, Combaillaux
Partenaires : Institut Français de Paris, Institut Français de Séoul. Avec les précieuses collaborations de la Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup, le Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, le Centre Chorégraphik Pôle Pik, Lyon, le Gymnase / CDC de Roubaix et la Cie Didier Théron / Espace Bernard Glandier
Durée : 24 min
À partir de 8 ans